As I've mentioned before a time or three, I did truly love McCarty. Here's a photo I took of him at McCoy with his Civil War hair combed.
I'm going to the Worcester Tornados game tomorrow night. Many years ago, there was an SNL skit starring Jimmy Smits. It took place in an office and the people that worked there would use exaggerated Latin accents anytime they used a Spanish word, which was often.
That skit is legendary to me. My sister and I are the only ones who seem to remember it. "Oh, you mean a torNahdo!"
K, bye!
Burrrrrrrrritos. :P
I loved the way Hartman deadpanned the "A torr-na-do." line. Like, "What the hell else would I call it?"
And Carbey couldn't roll the r's in "chile con carne," so he did it like Wayne seeing a girl he found attractive.
Me and Chan still say "You're picking the Bron-COs over SAN DI-AYGO een SAN DI AY GO?"
Oh, and I recently brought up the Smits skit with "Or maybe a bite will have US to eat..." to my girlfriend. Within days, I was going through a random old tape, and saw Jimmy Smits, and said Oh my lord, this is it. And I played some of the skit for her over the phone. This must be the same episode as Torr NAdo. Weird. I think Jimmy Smits is trying to tell me something. Maybe just that Lou Diamond Philips got arrested. Hey, diamond...baseball... maybe if I build a statue of Smits in a cornfield people will flock from miles around and I'll be able to save the house and have a catch with my late father.
If it is the episode, I'm totally putting TorrNAdo up on Youtube.
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