The Hard-ons WIN!
Meat Depressed: They've been playing forever, yet I'd never seen them until Saturday night. Not really my thing (they closed with a Ramones medley), but they're playing out and having a good time which is more than I can say for myself. I enjoyed the MEAT DEPRESSED banner they hung behind the drum set. Kit.
Toys That Kill: Not bad. Not memorable.
The Hard-ons: Here's the REAL story. I was expecting to see some Australian pop in two-minute segments. I'm still not sure what to make of what I saw instead. Have you ever gone to see a band that you haven't heard from in a couple of years and when they get on stage and start playing, you're not sure it's even the same band? Yes. There was some hair flying around, some guitar wizardry, some distortion, some noise... and they crammed "Don't Wanna See You Cry" in there somewhere. K, thanks!
The Queers: I'm an unabashed Queers fan. They played Providence regularly and I'd always go see them. Joe King's a great guy. It's stupid bubblegum crap but I like it. I could do a whole separate post on them, but I'll save it. Just this: "I Met Her at the Rat."
I saw The Queers in Lincoln, NE in 1994. I think my mom's still mad about having to do my laundry and seeing that Queers shirt with "Fuck You" on it. It was the Converse All-Stars logo, and instead of "Chuck Taylor," it said "Fuck You."
Yeah, I have that t-shirt. The 'Fuck You' is kind of small so sometimes you can get away with it.
getting away with it WINS!
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