Here you have some Sea Dogs. The Man of APartness who appears to be looking at the camera is Barry Hertzler. Also visible: Tewks, a guy who looks like Lester, and a guy who looks like Cla Meredith.
I am obviously not awesome at taking pictures.
I did go to the PawSox game tonight and it was somewhat eventful. Tomorrow when I am in a better frame of mind I'll tell you all about it.
in all honesty I have not laughed so much in a long time. Just awesome man. Now, if I wasn't a Yankee fan I'd have an iota of an idea to semi-appreciating the players you are bashing. For that I can't apologize. But otherwise very cool. You should bring your show to twitter.
I don’t usually reply to posts but I will in this case. I’ve been experiencing this very same problem with a new WordPress installation of mine. I’ve spent weeks calibrating and getting it ready when all of a sudden… I cannot delete any content. It’s a workaround that, although isn’t perfect, does the trick so thanks! I really hope this problem gets solved properly asap.
There is obviously a lot to know about this. I think you made some good points in Features also.
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