I may have mentioned a time or two that Edgar Martinez is not much of a reliever. Or maybe any kind of pitcher. I guess the org. is trying to develop him at the expense of winning, which happens a lot.
So Hansack started and left the game tied at four. Martinez came in with a runner at second. So I said, he is going to give up a run. Wow, thank god I was wrong, because instead he gave up four runs when Joe Inglett hit a grand slam off him. That's okay, though, because he still has training wheels on. Good work, team.
Hansen took over in the ninth and everything went kind of kerflooey. I had been sitting in GA for the first couple of innings, but I spotted some friends of mine in deluxe premium seating so I joined them. By the time the later innings rolled around, everyone was kind of intoximacated and some members of the party began heckling the shit out of Kottaras and Hansen and so forth. Different members of security approached our group and spoke in hushed yet firm tones about our behavior. They could have kicked us out, but did not, which was nice.

George Kottaras heard it all and tossed a few "menacing" glares our way. Even funnier, Kason Gabbard and Abe Alvarez were in the next section over. I will say that Gabbard was pretty pissed and put on a tough guy face and stared us down. Alvarez was peering at us but merely looked curious, not contemptuous. And girl, please. I understand that we're giving your teammate a hard time, but everyone knows you are not going to duke it out with a fan. I'm not saying I condone heckling, but no one was swearing or being particularly vicious.
So Hansen (GO BACK TO ST JOHN'S!!) gave up four more runs because he has a drinking problem. And that was that. 12-4. Good game, everyone!
I have some unfinished business at McCoy and I am going to try and get back to the park to see Indianapolis this evening. Oh, by the way, Jeff Harris was the starting pitcher for Buffalo. Bye, Buffalo!
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