
For Every One

Yesterday marked five years of doing this. Once the season is over, I'll do some self-indulgent retrospectives and top 5 lists. It's funny how different Baseball Heavy is now compared to when I first started. It takes time to hone one's craft, I guess. Hey, I almost said that with a straight face!

Here's the best part: My liner notes!

Most extreme thanks to my brother Phil, who may be the only person who really gets it. Thanks for the drunken comments, too!

Thanks also to occasional readers Lucky and Vee, my sisters and baseball traveling companions.

Billy: Thanks for everything, especially the winter sports. And also Kayla, for being Kayla and hostessing the crap out of everything and just being generally a superb friend.

For Red Sox Fan in Pinstripe Terr. and Witch City Sox Girl, thanks for the early support! It meant a lot to me.

Katrina - Thank you so much. Sorry about the Canadian incident! Lesson learned.

And almost finally, the Generic Thank You List: My radio, PawSox Keith, Stephen and his Stuff, my best friend Bob Flanders, all the sawhorse kids, Nick C, Danny D, the Blackstone Valley Freeballers, the Blackstone Valley Media Club, Bartender Bob C, Devern Hansack, Peter and Huck from BTS Land, Sitting Still Kelly and Toeing the Cyn, Mud Hens Nancy (thanks so much!), Kyle B, The Force, Bonnie from the GH, and all the people who patiently listened to me talking on and on about my blog and about the PawSox.

Hugs to all the shame-faced people who are secretly reading this. I know you're out there!

Special thanks to my employers who let me sneak out early to attend baseball games.

My parents never read this, so I'm not thanking them for anything.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenny! It's me Kayla. I just wanted to say that i am so proud of you and all the hard work you do on your blog. I can see you in every sentence. I think you are an amazing friend and i am happy to host you anytime you want to visit mi casa. keep up the good work. I love you!