1978 was alright once you get past the pain. Hoffman was just a baby at 19 and he played in 131 games(!). He batted .282 with a .322 OBP.
The next season, 1979, Hoffman was fourth in the International League for games played with 139. While most of his numbers increased only slightly, he hit 11 home runs... Nine more than he did the previous season. He was hit by a pitch ten times, placing him second in the league. Hoffman was really hitting his stride in the white hot spotlight.
Fast forward to 1987! Glenn H. didn't do anything interesting during that period, anyway. I mean, hello, Van Hagar. Hoffman played in 46 Pawtucket games, mostly playing third. It wasn't that interesting.
And then, at last, 1988. Glenn Hoffman is 29. A big 109 PawSox games. Hoffman walked A LOT! A lot for him, I mean. More than any other Pawtucket season. Also he mashed his K's down. Hoffman was well-seasoned by that point.
Two things:
1. This story is pretty great. It's mostly about Trevor, but still.
2. "Pawtucket was a lot bigger city on the way up than on the way down." - Hoffman on movin' on up and slip slidin' away.
3. "I remember Glenn Hoffman, Trevor Hoffman's older brother, playing with the Boston Red Sox and their AAA team in Pawtucket RI back in the 1970s and 80s. I still have a 1979 program from a Pawtucket game that I went to when I was 10 years old that has a picture of Glenn and his 11 year old brother Trevor hanging out at the ballpark. Who knew back then that the little kid in that picture would become the greatest relief pitcher in history." - 'Gary' on Baseball Reference
Glenn Hoffman's in the lobby of the first base tower. Waiting for you.
I'll be here tomorrow so please stand by.
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