
WHO?! - PawSox players from 2005-present that may not have actually existed.


1. Mike Moriarty, infielder - 6 games.
2. Mitch Stachowsky, catcher - 4 games.
3. Jason Kershner, reliever - 15 games.
4. Scott Shoemaker, pitcher - Started two games.

Side note: Evidently, John Olerud played a few Pawtucket games. Probably rehabbing.


1. Mathew Kent, catcher - 4 games. One 'T'.
2. Holy crap, Pawtucket went through a lot of pitchers in 2006! David Lee, Brett Evert, Kevin Guyette, TJ Mathews, Mario Pena, Jason Richardson, Ryan Schroyer. WHO?!?!

Nineteen guys on the team pitched in five games or less. Lots of drifters that season, I suppose. Plus Boston was FUBAR.


1. Jeff Farnsworth, reliever - 1 game
2. Scott Lonergan - ibid. I think he was more a Portland guy?

26 pitchers used in 2007, as compared to 41 the season prior.


1. Tony Granadillo - 1 game

Wait! I remember him! He was a Portland guy, I loved him. Where did he go? Everyone else from that season, I remember. Even Miguel Asencio and Danny Kolb. And Josh Wilson, whose hair was so regrettable.


I remember everybody, but let me throw some names out there: John Otness. Brad Wilkerson. George Kottaras. Okay, Kottaras went on to be a Brewer. I never really warmed up to him. Well, maybe a little. I did come up with a secret nickname for Kottaras: Shit at the Plate.

Going through all those old rosters was a trip down memory lane. In a related story of being Old, I'm right in the middle of 'Bottom of the Third' and it's like Northern Lights on a dark country road in Vermont. I'm gonna marry it, divorce it, then marry it again.

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